Lower Tier Central

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1. Teeny Tots (5) 2. Tiny Tots (5) 3. Jelly Tots (5) 4. Top Totty (5) 5. A Bit of Totty (6a)

Candy Sector

Totti for England (4) not on topo to R

1. The Sweat Shop (6a) 2. Playground Bully (6b+) 3. Do Little (6a)

4. Sing for Your Dinner (6b+) 5. Bolts 'R Us (6a+) 6. Would You Like a Sweety (6c) *

7. Tempting Children (6c+) 8. Candy Store (6a) 9. Smartie People are Happy People (6a)

10. Jelly Beans (6a+) 11. Suck on This (6a+) 11. Toy Story (6a) 12. Flossy's Slab (6a+) * 13. The Candyman (6a+)