Embankment Left-Hand

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The Embankment Left-Hand

1. Hungry Eyes (7a+) * short wall, powerful flake and technical headwall. There is also a left-hand variant.

2. Beef It (7b) * a short sharp shock of moves past the BR with a sling.

3. The Secret Gudgeon Society (7b) * rightwards by series of undercuts and layaways.

4. Stone the Loach (7c) * takes the buttresses central line. Hard, fingery and sustained.

5. Mind of a Turbot (7b) * the best route on this section. Intricate wall and shallow scoop.

6. The Man Who Fell to Earth (6c+) short wall and hard fingery moves above break.

7. Arachnothera (6b+) the open central groove with a short tricky finish.

8. Prawnography (6c) direct and pleasant wall climbing, low in the grade.

9. Bream in Black (7a) * escalating difficulties to a difficult and polished rightwards exit.

10. Breamtime (7a+) * also becoming polished. The centre of the wall via a high undercut flake.

11. The Barracuda Bass Sound (7a+) * a right-hand start to the same undercut. Not polished.

12. No Hiding Plaice (7a) * traditional climbing via a thin crack. Now bolted.

13. Whiting on the Wall (7c) direct from the start of Sturgeon. Fingery.

14. Sturgeon in the Cupboard (7c) ** the right-hand and best line on the wall. Sustained and fingery.