Rhubarb Buttress Topo
1. The Way of the Gone Wives (6b+) easy lower wall followed by thin flake.
2. Custard pie in Your Eye (6c) a shallow groove and bulge to tree belay.
3. Cry Havoc (6c) short wall and obvious scooped groove.
4. Fallout Zone (6c) wall with bulges at top.
5. Gaseous Exchange (6c+) * shallow groove. Technical wall leftwards above bulge.
6. Chemical Weapons (6c+) * delicate lower wall, difficult bulge and technical wall.
7. Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb (6b+) * pleasant lower wall and rib.
8. Semolina Sunday (7a) easy lower and very technical finish on wall left of groove.
9. The Garlic Twist (6b+) direct line via slight bulge with difficulties. Airy.
10. Brief Camouflage (6c) * direct line which is technical from the break. Good.
11. The Day of the Long Knives (7b+) * technical wall climbing, slabby towards the top. No belay as yet.
12. Feline Fine (6c) * pleasant and technical face. Stainless hangers.
13. The Fat Ginger Cat (7a+) * more pleasant face climbing. Fingery
14. Turbo-Charged Monster Mouse (7a+) * direct and fine climbing, the best hereabouts. Hard after 2nd BR.
15. Thrash Your Woodie (7b) fingery and technical moves above break.
16. Me Tarzan (7b+) * powerful bulge and desperate scoop.
17. Desire (8a+) * impressive bulge and scoop left of even more impressive ivy strand.
The next series of routes are situated 30m to the right, at a slightly higher level. A prominent overlap guards entry to the upper walls.
Zebedee Visits the Clinic E6 6b powerful bulge, BR and 2PRs to lower-off. Needs cleaning.
Blue Arsed Fly E6 6b * desperate bulge marked by long sling.
The Rainmaker (7b+) desperate start leads to scoop and tree above.
Blood Transfusion E4 6b * hard start, crux past BR, then vague arete, TR, above.
Further to the right and at a lower level close to the path are two more sports routes.
Ladies Fingers (7b) * technical and fingery climbing up the left-hand side of the face.
The European Female (7a) * fine face with technical lower bulge.