Orchid Walls

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These walls form the right-hand side of the Darkness Walls and form almost two tiers.

1. Can't Teach 'em Nowt (6c) * moves leftwards from That'll Teach up to a ledge. Then goes left and up via the fine arete.

2. That'll Teach 'em (7a) * highly technical face climb with loads of tricky moves.

3. Red Zingers E3 5c ** the prominent twisting crack in the side wall moving left from porthole to finish via a thin crack.

4. Dead Ringer (6c+) ** brilliant open wall climbing just over vertical. Sustained and a future classic.

5. Looky Likey (6b+) * a fine open wall climb starting via the right arete of the Dead Ringer wall and climbing slightly rightwards onto the face after a steep start. Fine rock.

The following routes lie to the right and can be gained from the lower pitch of 'Orchid'or swinging across after doing Looky Likey

6. Flowering Beauty (6b) another good route from the Our Kid's Orchid halfway ledge taking a wall and blunt arete to a fine finish.

7. My Petal (6c) climbs the prominent layback corner and exits with difficulty to a ledge. Trend rightwards to the belay.

8. Mon Dichor (7a) * the thin crack in the severely leaning wall to the right with a short fingery section. Uphill!

9. Our Kid's Orchid (6c,7a) ** A fine two pitch route aiming for the left-hand arete of the chimney. Superb. The lower pitch can now be done in its own right at 6c.

10. Crack of Dawn E2 5a, 5b * takes the scruffy lower crack right of Our Kid's Orchid followed by the impressive straight crack to its right. A superb upper half.

11. DI Fontaine (7a) ** a superb route tucked into the gully wall right of Crack of Dawn and gained by a traverse right from the first pitch of Our Kid's Orchid to a BB with karabiner.