Sunset Walls

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These are the walls running rightwards from the Amistad Walls giving a series of broken sections of cliff intermingled with aretes and corners. Generally poor rock is to be found here.

1. Sunbusting (6b) short tricky pillar leading to a hollow wall and steep solid finale.

2. Sunover (6a) straightforward climbing throughout keeping left of the pinnace. Crux at the start.

3. Sunset Stripped (6b) the first route on the large expanse of wall with tricky moves lower down, easing higher up.

4. Sunny Un-D (6b) blunt rib and fine headwall. Will be better with a bit of traffic.

5. Collapsing Sunset (6a) a poor route at the top of the slope, just left of a chimney

6. Sundrain (4) left-hand side of wall.

7. Sunquenched (5) wall just left of arete.

8. Sunrise, Sunset (5) * fine climbing on an excellent isolated arete.

9. Rok it to the Moon (6a) the left-hand wall of two routes situated further right. Good climbing

10. Moon Landings (6a) the right-hand wall, slightly more contrived low down.

11. Lunar Eclipse (6a) black face with stretchy start to fine face above ledge with good climbing.