1. Slug Matador (6a) short wall moving right to belay of:
2. Boffin (6c+) * Not on topo. The centre of the wall at the bottom of the descent. Hard start and fingery above.
3. Nit-Wit (4) easier crack system just right of Boffin.
4. Pedal to the Metal (6a) short tricky start and finish
5. All in Glory (6c) * Not on topo. Vague blunt rib and wall behind tree to thin crack. Fingery face climbing.
6. Thirst for Glory (6a) slab, grooveline and steep crack finish
7. Woodward on the Wing (6a) left-hand of two lines on approach walls via rib.
8. Empo on a Spring (6a+) right-hand line via lower open corner.
9. Footsie (6a+) sharp arete with tricky move followed by easier climbing to ledge.
10. Unbalanced (5) blunt rib and straightforward face to steep finish.
11. Talor Made (6b+) steep start above ledge to pleasant rib and easier finish.