Dale Quarry

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Dale Quarry topo

The first routes start on the white rock just to the left of the main slab.

1. Steampunk (7b+) ** starts at a large undercut flake left of the corner and goes up via two opposing boreholes through the bulges and overhangs above.

2. Last Act of Defiance (7a+) ** line of bolts up the corner then swing out left to share the finish with Steampunk. Rebolted 2020

3. Project the line of bolt studs up the arete and flying groove above.

4. Runaway Van (6c) * Start up a short arete and friable looking sidepull to gain the flat wall. Continue through the bulges to finish up the smooth headwall. High first bolt. Rebolted

5. Project The leftmost line on the slab following glue in bolts.

6. Underground Resistence (7b+) ** Bolt line left of Handy Wallhole to the grassy ledge.

7. Handy Wallhole (6c+) ** climbs up the huge hole with the chain and slab above to the top of the crag. 30m.

8. Pop Art (6b+) ** Climbs up the first 4 bolts of Handy Borehole before traversing into, and finishing up, Ascent Given. 30m

9. Ascent Given (7c) ** hard climbing on the lower section gives way to a much easier top half. 30m.

10. Ascend the Underground (7c+) * A link-up. Starting up Ascent Given, traverse into Handy Wallhole, going up one move then move L into Underground Resistance a the white square and finish up this.

11. Higher Ominous Bush (7b) ** The short wall on the right side of the slab. 5BRs. Finishes on the jug above the belay. 10m.

Guns and Roses (6b) * climbs the righthand end of the back wall leftwards to a tree then right to a ledge. From there go straight up to a BB. Retrobolted 2020