Around to the left of the main wall is a compact wall of very good rock with three worthwhile routes. From left to right these area: Ximinez(6c), Biggles (6c+) and Fang (6a)
1. Rampant Rabbit (6c+) Easy to ledge with desperate technical sequence to gain belay
2. Buzz Bunny (7a) easy to final hard wall.
3. Dolphin Delight (6b) follow the thin crackline with a hard finish for the short - 6b+?
4. Pearl Driver (6b+) fingery start then jugs and easier headwall. Easier for tall.
5. Eager Beaver (6c) * another very fingery start then fine climbing past the ledge to the top.
6. Twist and Shout (6b) the warm up. Right-hand side of arete to ledge, then headwall left of block. Good.
7. Marsh Mellowed (6c) bulging start and ramp followed by technical wall with difficult to spot holds.
8. Swamp-Fest (6b+) * excellent sustained climbing up the centre of the orange wall.
9. Glug, Glug, Glug (6b) thin crack above a ledge with some long reaches.
10. Open Water (6c+) straightforward wall above ledge to a desperate finale on an undercut.
11. Final Drips (6b) easier wall and difficult thin crack