main Crag

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1. Black Helicopter Ride (6a) pleasant climbing direct up the black slab. Needs to be dry.

2. First and Last HVS 5a thin crack to top, or belay on left.

3. Unblackened (6a) * left arete of face and upper slab.

4. False Idol (6c) shallow groove and short headwall to join God is Good.

5. God is Good (6c) ** an angled face climbing aiming just right of the hanging corner. Excellent.

6. Out There (6c) Finishes via hanging arete.

7. Up There (6c) direct line through steeped overlaps above God.

8. The Spectre (6b+) *** straightforward face to hanging corner. Arete and then wide crack.

9. Dark Side of the Room (7a+) * steady slab and then double roof stack. Desperate onto upper wall.

10. Burning Spirits (6b+) ** the obvious central line via roof and upper crack/groove.

11. Southern Discomfort (6c+) ** classic stuff. Fine lower wall, fingery roof and fine headwall.

12. Spooktakula (7a+) ** a very fine pitch through the centre of the strip roof and via the upper face.

13. Lick Yours (7a) * final line of slab. Hard roof and superb face above. Hollow just below overlap.

14. Ghost Story (6b+) the vague pillar at the left side of the wall. Open face towards the top.

15. The Bible Belt (6b+) diagonal crossing of face beneath overlaps to belay on God.