1. At the edge of Everything E2 5c a short tricky bulge, PR, leads via a break, TR, to a ledge. Easier climbing leads to a tree.
2. Lower Buttress Route E3 5c * tackles the lower bulges direct before following a right-leaning groove to a break. Move left across this and up to the top.
3. Beautiful White E3 5c * a direct assault of the lower bulges, PR, onto the fine crisp headwall, TR. A super little pitch.
Chiggers E3 5c * starts up Still Searching and climbs the grey pillar to the left of Beautiful White
Still Searching E1 5b climbs leftwards up the buttress into the edge of the ivy, finishing by a prominent grooveline.
4. If Dill was here (6b) pleasant climbing up the slim wall left of the vegetated left-facing chimney.
5. Memo to Sally E3 5c * the shallow scoop/corner to the left to gain a break. Move left and follow the shallow groove to the top. BB
6. Lulu Belle E4 6a * climbs direct up the blunt rib to boldly gain the upper section of Memo to Sally.
7. Prejudice E3 5c * the excellent groove and crackline to the left move right just above a PR to pass the upper overhangs. BB.
8. Scoobs (6c) * the superb delicate face to the left finishing via the steepening crackline.
9. My Pedigree Chum (6a+) * the face and blunt rib to the left and just right of the prominent gash.
10. Scimitar groove VS 4c the huge gash is excellent but is currently in need of a clean.
11. Endgame (7a) * the right-hand of two excellent face route up the leaning pillar with a fingery finale.
12. Saga Lout (6c) * a superb direct assault of the white pillar gives excellent climbing.
13. Sargasso Sea E4 5c the blackened scoop trending rightwards to exit on some unsound rock. You can also the lower off on the last route. Serious
14. Black Wedding E5 6a a direct line up the wall to the left via 3BRS and 2PRS. Bold
15. Venus Eruptus (7a) from just left of the yew tree, climb the very technical wall and pumpy upper section of the wall.
16. Dutch Moon (6b+) ** a little gem. The face to the left and just right of the huge pillar gives fine technical climbing throughout.
17. Memories (6a) *another very fine pitch taking a direct line up the face around to the left of the huge pillar.
18. Zed Legs E2 5b* a fine route connecting the two ramps on the wall to the left, exiting rightwards from the top of the second.
19. Y Front E2 5b * a very fine pitch. From the obvious cleaned break in the path, climb starlight up the wall, TR, then slightly right to a second TR. Stand up and move leftwards along the break to exit at a thin crack, BB.
20. That X Factor E4 6a * superb climbing. From the first TR on Y Front, move left and climb the buttress front direct past a TR to the bulge, PR. Pull up and right to a second PR and climb the face finishing via a crack on the left. BB.
21. All the Wubble u's E3 5c Climb the shallow groove on the left-hand side of the buttress and enter a shallow groove, PR. Finish via the thin crack on the right to a BB.
Sideways (6c) the right-hand side of the bay at a higher level to the left.
Lee Way E5 6b the right-hand of two lines on the face up and to the left.
My Way (7a+) * the left-hand line.
No Way (6b+) shorter wall on left on immaculate rock.