Red Wall

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As you enter the quarry these are the walls on the left.

Wake Up Wall

1. Wake Up Call (6b) technical lower wall, then easy to final flourish through overlap.

2. Crack o' Dawn (5) tricky start then easy to obvious corner.

3. Mourning has Broken (6a+) tricky start then easy to difficult overlap.

4. Slumberland (5) straightforward climbing to twin cracks finish.

5. Dawn's Chorus (4) left off block to awkward finish - long reach.

6. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go (4) new belay required. Top fallen down. Avoid at moment

7. Oh to Lie In (5) pleasant face to tricky finish.

8. Sludge Money (4) easy climbing straight up the wall.

9. Five Years and Waiting (4) easy wall to steeper finale.

The Red Wall

The red wall further to the right gives four more routes.

1. Auto Pilot (6c) trying move over overlap from cut out ledge

2. Moov Over (6b) central of three routes with thuggy start.

3. Have a Cow (6a+) right-hand line via faint rib and a few good moves.

4. Udderley (5+) the obvious corner finishing leftwards into Have a Cow.

5. Featherlite Arete (6a) the arete of the wall taken on its right-hand side. Finish right tot he belay.

6. Red and Ribbed for Your Pleasure (6c) tricky white wall and groove on left-hand side of face. Some good layaway moves.

7. Who Sat on my Satsuma? (6a) the left-hand side of the red wall on good positive holds.

8. A Life of Grime (6a) the centre of the wall with a couple of long stretches.

9. Fun in the Sun (6a+) * the right-hand arete of the wall with a tricky finale. The cleanest of the three.

10. End o' Taffs Corner (4) prominent corner gained from Fun in the Sun.

11. The Chemistry Mates (3) easier right-hand side of wall.

12. Physics Too (6b+) long line up wall slightly higher and to the right with a hard finale.